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  • Devon

The Shadow of the Pandemic: A Poem on Mental Health

The world was once so bright,

With laughter and love in sight.

But now, a shadow creeps,

As fear of illness steeps.

The pandemic came with might,

Bringing pain and endless night.

It's taken loved ones too soon,

Leaving wounds that may not heal, too soon.

It's not just physical health,

That's taken such a toll,

But mental health too, it's hard,

To handle what we don't know.

Isolation and stress,

Are now our constant friends,

Anxiety and depression,

Have become the norm again.

We're all struggling, day by day,

Trying to find a way,

To keep our heads up high,

And make it through, alive.

But we must reach out, connect,

With friends and family,

Talk about our feelings,

And learn to just be.

So let's be kind to one another,

And help each other through,

Because together, we'll get by,

And make it to the other side.

The pandemic may rage on,

But we'll weather every storm,

And find the light, once again,

And heal both mind and heart, my friend.

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