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  • Yuchen

Resilient Reflection

In the gallery of whispered echoes,

Where shadows birth unkind tales,

A tapestry of souls, diverse and vibrant,

Yet body shaming weaves its poisonous threads.

Oh, how they scrutinize the curves and edges,

Reducing existence to finite dimensions,

As if the heart's rhythm, the spirit's fire,

Can be confined within a vessel's silhouette.

But I, a sentinel of self-compassion,

Stand firm amid the tempest of judgment,

For every inch of me, a chapter unfurls,

A symphony of stories, unashamed and unbounded.

The mirror, a deceitful oracle, claims dominion,

Yet it captures but a mere glimmer of my essence,

My worth transcends the prison of reflection,

In the kaleidoscope of life, I find my resonance.

Gossamer words, laden with scorn,

Attempt to shatter the sacred unity,

Yet I stand tall, a monument of defiance,

For I am more than the echoes of harsh decree.

The battle scars, the contours, the lines,

They map the odyssey of battles fought and won,

A roadmap of resilience, a testament to strength,

In this tapestry of being, I am a masterpiece spun.

Let not the weight of others' perceptions define,

For within these veins, courage courses anew,

I am a sanctuary of life, a vessel of stories,

My body, a canvas painted in hues bold and true.

So let us rise, united in our diversity,

A chorus of voices, a symphony of grace,

In the face of body shaming's bitter refrain,

We find our power, our resilience, our place.

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