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  • Mia

Jealousy: An Enemy Everyone Encounters

Jealousy is a complicated emotion that includes emotions like mistrust, fury, fear, and shame. It results from a lack of confidence in both one’s abilities and course of life.

Many of us experience envy while scrolling through social media; opulent possessions and lavish lifestyles are the most common triggers of envy. People frequently think or feel uneasy, afraid, or worried about having relatively few possessions or feeling safe. Good grades and exceptional beauty can easily cause youngsters to feel anxious, jealous, and self-conscious.

It’s also a problem that had bothered me for a long time. I always feel down when finding out that a friend who was roughly on the same level as me is suddenly considerably better than me. The emotions in similar situations are complex. I would berate myself for not exerting sufficient effort, be perplexed if I didn't understand how they could advance, and blame myself for not being spectacular and beautiful enough. I was surprised at the glimmer of malice that arose within me. “Am I worse than they are?” I asked myself sometimes. My jealousy makes me blind. Dante Alighieri said, "Pride, envy, and greed are the three sparks which make the heart explode." A jealous person is also a greedy one. Whenever jealousy kicks in, I subconsciously compare myself with others and then realize my own lack. The more I want, the more depressed I feel. In the long run, it becomes a vicious circle. Then I started reading books about jealousy and trying to find a solution and the following is what I learned.

We should try to understand that desire is a basic inclination. It's a piece of our tendency, tracked down in individuals everywhere. It's exceptionally normal to have such feelings and may cause trouble and agonizing feelings. Desire never rests, it makes us conceited. Envy doesn't benefit us, nor does it decrease the accomplishments of others. We want to figure out how to face and conceive it. When we conquer this inclination, we can turn out to be better individuals.

To take care of this issue, three accessible ways had helped me a lot.

  1. Center yourself and track the differences between yourself and others. Centering allows you a moment of self-reflection and to work on bettering yourself. Correct our temperament, having a loose and certain state of mind is significant. Each person has a track dedicated to him or her.

  2. Quit contrasting yourselves with others. When we constantly compare ourselves to others, we waste precious energy focusing on other people‘s lives rather than our own. Comparisons often result in resentment. Resentment towards others and ourselves. They deprive us of joy. You are not entirely settled by others. We ought to understand that the main individuals we want to concentrate on are ourselves. Everyone has something they are good at and something they are not good at, and that is perfectly normal.

  3. Change our perspective. Foster the higher perspective of reasoning. I myself benefit a lot from it. After seeing the problem from a new point of view, I figure out that something I used to struggle with is just not as important as I think, especially while dealing with some “toxic” friendship.

I trust these tips can help you, to help you throughout everyday life. We should continuously recall:" No one is perfect." We are all living the best versions of our lives!

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