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  • Yuchen

broken words

how is it so easy for you

to be kind she said

i looked at her

into the starry nights

across the green plains

and stepped onto the battle field

i wanted to be tough

but people weren't kind to me i whispered

falling back onto the

endless hole of broken dreams

floating in the air

then sinking into the deep blue of their weapons

their thoughts

----the teacher

she would push up her glasses

smiling with her teeth exposed

placing her hands onto the computer

---who knows what she is after?

look what you made

leaving me in notoriety with your nasty little

minds she would shout at us

our world was pure back then

full of magic and sparkles but she

brushed them off the table like crumbs of leftovers


the term "next door" used to be such a familiar

yet distant phrase

her mouth filled with sweet honey

but her head filled with creatures eating out all the beautiful

childhood memories she had

she must have thought she

had added sweeteners

into our lives

she never knew how

i looked at her like a beast trapped in

a tiny body with a mission---perhaps

to turn the sugar

into salt

the purity into tainted hearts

which once learned how to love

and visualize

but forgotten by the cruelty of the world


the red numbers

on those meaningless papers cannot be worth more than

an opportunity

a lifetime to achieve

comparison surrounded me

words are the weapons she used to

strike us down

did you think i was a bottle where you can just fill into

am i a weekend getaway wild enough for you to have lost your mind

am i a piece of candy you tore open and empty

i know i kept it all to myself

how you screamed at us for doing the

bare minimum

the way you said i had

no potential of being anyone great


i saw mom storming out the room

the other day after a


she turned to say hi

i stood frozen with all my classmates surrounding


i think you never saw

the tears streaming down her face

when you still joke about me

glancing at the victim you've

managed to kill

the trees swaying in the autumn breeze

i loved the light blue skies

the clouds rising up and down

just like how you gracefully

danced your way in front of my face

telling everyone that

i painted my family tree


because i am just a

little bundle of gloom

but no little girl would

possibly have that strong sense of melancholy

---the blue painting

i fear when you speak of

elementary school

i'm afraid it is her again.

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