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  • Yuchen

a tale of a city and two selves

flashing neon lights

clouded the garden

sprouting with seeds of

electric flowers

the rain went acrid

embellished with knick knacks

of gold and silver

falling in silence onto

the newly-paved streets

— the city

nights i spent

filling in the chasm

inside of me.

the schism between

deception and truism,

between rapprochement

and estrangement.

the zephyr of my heart

hammered further into

this never-ending hole

perhaps what they call

— heartache

staring up

at the ceiling plastered

with white lies,

my hands stretched

the concrete walls open,

unravelling a sun-wrapped

hill that invited me to a weekend

getaway — an escapade

to an extraterrestrial

wonderland of pure

pellucid streams, flowing

with an opalescent glow.

then i see myself

lifted by an shapeless

arm that dusted my

caustic, worn body

ebbing my blues into

the yellow of my room.

— succor

years after i was salvaged

from that labyrinth

that devoured my soul,

i watched my dreams creep

back into my dream-less

head; my veins flowing with

a glowing crimson.

my puzzled mind embarked

on a quest to uncover this clandestine

mission to save me from that

magnetic spiral. as i passed

that precipice of skyscrapers of

my nightmares, i squinted my eyes

and found my savior: myself.

— self-acception

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