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  • Cindy


Looked through the mirror,

A melancholic reflection of me.

Chapped lips, nasolabial folds, crow's feet,

tear trough..,

I kept nagging myself.

Turned on the tap,

I used my hands to envelope the water.

I saw germs walking on my hands,

I wash my hands over a thousand times.

I walked out of the bathroom,

But I frowned: I stepped on a strand of hair.

Suddenly, it feels like a million ants walking

on my body- extremely uncomfortable,

I screamed in my mind.

I cannot stop myself from thinking:

Did I wash my clothes?

Did I boil water for tea?

Did I turn off the tap?

And more...

I am like an angry fugu,

Feel disgusted with life involuntarily.

It is killing me...

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